June 29, 2007, Newsletter Issue #70: Tooth Decay in Minors

Tip of the Week

Tooth decay is the most chronic disease amount children aged 5-17 in America. With 59% of kids in that age group affected, is your family dental insurance up to the challenging of protecting your kids?

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to lessen the chance that you'll need to have your kids in for fillings. First is to have them brush after every meal, or at least 2-3 times daily, and floss before bedtime.

In addition, adjusting their diet can also improve their teeth, as well as their overall health. If your children love soda, try having them drink the carbonated beverages only at meals and out of a straw if possible, as both adjustments will limit the damage that soda can inflict on their teeth. Eliminating sugary foods, and in particular sticky and gummy candies, can also ensure better dental health.

Making these dietary changes will not only help ensure that your kids will have healthy teeth, they will also be much less likely to be overweight.

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