Simple Toothaches Can Turn Into A Larger Problem

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A little toothache isn’t that big a deal, right?

Simple Toothaches Can Turn Into A Larger Problem

Simple toothaches can turn into a larger problem if left untreated. Although it is very common to have tooth sensitivity to temperatures, if your teeth ache when you're simply chewing, bite down hard, or otherwise, then you most likely have a cavity.

If you have a toothache, you should consult a dentist as soon as possible, since letting a cavity linger can lead to increased pain and, eventually, tooth loss. Furthermore, waiting longer will lead to a larger cavity, which will be more expensive and painful to treat.

The largest cavities might even require a crown to be put on the limited remaining healthy part of your tooth. Even with the best dental insurance, a crown will cost you several hundred dollars out of your own pocket.

A simple toothache can turn into a large problem, so see your dentist as soon as you feel the symptoms.



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