Dental Emergency Kit

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Are you prepared for a dental emergency while traveling?

Dental Emergency Kit

You're got all your gear ready for a trip off the beaten path, including a small first aid kid. However, like most people, you are totally unprepared for any dental emergency you might experience on the road, such as a lost filling, dislodged cap, or knocked out (avulsed) tooth.

You could have the best dental insurance in the world but, without a dentist in the jungle or developing nation you're visiting, you might be out of luck for much longer than a 30 minute ride to the hospital.

Some obvious things to pack in your kit include tweezers, gauze, cotton balls, floss, and a mirror. If you or anyone you're traveling with has fillings, crowns, or braces, then you'll also want petroleum jelly, dental wax, and DenTemp (temporary dental cement). Finally, you'll definitely want to pack a small guide or booklet describing dental emergency procedures so that you have a definitive resource available if something happens.

When you're traveling off the beaten path, be prepared for dental emergencies in addition to situations that call for more standard first aid treatment.



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