Pregnancy and Plaque

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Does pregnancy affect my teeth?

Pregnancy and Plaque

Worried that your growing fetus is going to sap all of your nutrients? It's a common myth that they seep all of your calcium, leaving you with hardly enough to keep your pearly whites strong enough to chew mashed potatoes.

Fortunately, your teeth won't suffer from any lack of calcium during your pregnancy, but you may experience an increase in the amount of plaque on your teeth caused by your raging, pregnant hormones. Thus it is even more important to brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss daily during your pregnancy.

You should talk to your dentist as early as possible in the first trimester to assess the condition of your oral health, as well as to come up with a dental health plan for the duration of your pregnancy. If your family does not have a family dental plan, this is an important time to consider getting one, both for you and for your child.



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