Visit the Dentist Before Making an Appointment

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How do you filter the good dentists out of the huge number of dentists around?

Visit the Dentist Before Making an Appointment

Finding dentists these days is really easy using the Internet. There are dozens of both national and local directories of dentists and dental health care specialists online. In addition, your dental health care provider may provide a list of dentists in your area that will treat patients covered by your policy.

With a sizable group of potential dental health care professionals to choose from, the difficult question to ask these days isn't how to find a dentist, but rather how to find a good dentist. Unfortunately, there is no reliable common peer review or customer review resource available, so your best bet is probably still word-of-mouth recommendations.

Therefore, when you move to a new area, ask your neighbors if they have a found a good dentist, or, failing that, visit some dentists conveniently located to where you live, meet them in person, and check out their offices. If you see scythes, pliers, tables with straps, and hear loud screams, you should probably move on until you find an environment that is more to your liking.

Even with a good recommendation, there is no substitute for checking out a dental practice personally before committing. If a dentist won't even talk to you, then you should forget him and find someone friendlier.



4/8/2015 11:08:00 AM
Guy Gardener said:

Meeting someone before you get their services is a good idea. Also, you should probably talk prices when you are there. Give yourself a chance to leave before you commit.

4/13/2015 5:18:02 PM
Davey Hiltz said:

That's actually a really good tip to find a dentist via neighbors. I've never really know how to find a good dentist before, I've had the same one since I was a little kid. Since we've moved again, I'm having to start all over. Thanks for the ideas though, it's true that you need to find a friendly dentist too. It's hard to get along with someone that won't talk to you.


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